Our school holds the First Nations community and reconciliation in high esteem and respect. National Reconciliation Week remains the same dates each year: 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 Referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
Each year, the Reconciliation Committee develop a learning experience for the school. In addition to this, staff and students participate in an interactive reconciliation learning walk incorporating QR codes linked to a series of short movies, featuring Aunty Robyn Williams sharing the Aboriginal history of significant events from a First Nations perspective. The short movies produced as part of the Reconciliation walk remain an essential and valued resource for future lessons and Reconciliation Weeks.
The learning walk builds cultural capacity in staff and provides opportunities for students to reflect and learn about reconciliation. It strengthens relationships by encouraging meaningful consultation with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Elders and Traditional Custodians. View more about our Reconciliation Journey.