Our Community Hub
In partnership with Community Hubs Australia, we deliver a Community Hub program on our school grounds with the focus on supporting people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (including migrants, refugees and temporary visa holders).
Our Community Hub is a safe and supportive space for families who are interested in connecting, learning new things and joining in quality early childhood activities. Our Community Hub is designed to enhance and deliver education and training, employment pathways, health services, settlement and language support for vulnerable families.
At our Community Hub we:
- Provide a variety of rich engagement activities including cultural events, educational and health programs through partnerships with Multicultural Sports and QLD libraries
- Break down barriers between support services and enhance coordination and collaboration for families to connect with a range of local services including Child Health Nurses, Oral Health, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Centre for Women, 99 Steps, Translating services
- Deliver short courses, such as English classes, or even support for parenting and healthy living
- Foster healthy child development through such programs as our Marsden Young Explorers Playgroup, and prepare children to succeed at school by increasing participation in early years services

Meet our Community Hub Leaders, Penny Dearlove and Neta Chong-Nee. Penny has been a member of our Marsden State School staff for the past 24 years. Neta has been an active member of the Marsden community for a number of years as a mother of 6 children who have/will attend Marsden State School. Neta has a social worker degree and comes from the Community Service and QLD Health sector. Both ladies are a friendly face available to support families and answer any questions you may have.
Everyone is welcome to join our Hub! Families within the community are welcome to drop in anytime.
Social Workers- student placement
As part of their degree, social workers are required to complete 500 hours on site to assist families in HUB spaces. Our social worker students often help Marsden State School community members to fill out various forms; Passport papers, Citizenship forms, Multilink ETO forms, RAILS inquiries and Kindergarten enrolments.
A social workers main responsibility is to build relationships with families and assist them with referrals to outside agencies for support.
They build rapport with families, and in return gain trust to help with any disclosers they may have to refer on.
If you have ideas for the Community Hub, please let us know as we are always looking for new ideas to continue to develop and improve.
View our current timetable to see what is happening in our Community Hub.
For more information about the Community Hub, please contact (07) 3489 9333.