To confirm any student absence please contact the school with the following information:
- Student's name
- Class
- Reason for absence
- Expected duration of absence
Please provide this information by phone or email
PHONE: (07) 3489 9333 or EMAIL:
It is appreciated that, from time to time, students will be absent from school due to illness or the need to travel to other towns for various activities. As these absences can affect the teachers' programming for the day, it would be appreciated if you could advise the teacher concerned as to when and for how long your child will be absent from school. If you anticipate an absence of one week or more, you need to seek the principal's approval by informing the office or principal directly in writing. If your child is absent for more than three days, due to illness, a medical certificate is required.
To confirm any absence please either send a note to your child's class teacher upon return or call the office of the day of the absence stating the reason for the absence.
Please refer to our Information Statement: Student Absences, for more information about student absences, the responsibilities of parents, students, Administration and class teachers, and our process for managing persistent truancy or absenteeism. .