


​​​​Health and Physical Education

Regular physical activity makes a positive contribution to the student's health and well-being. For this reason, all students at Marsden State School are provided with a physical education program that caters for their immediate needs, while encouraging them to be physically active.  ​

Students in the same family are allocated to the same House Team on enrolment, in which they will remain in throughout their time at Marsden. Students are invited to wear their teams house colour school shirt each Wednesday. The house teams and colours at our school are:-

Each house has two House Captains and two Vice Captains. Our school 2025 House Captains and Vice Captains are:

Sports Days

Sports Days for the junior years (Prep-Year 2) and the senior years (Year 3-6) are held every year and include a range of field and running events.  

Cross Country

Marsden State School has a long history of success within Cross Country. Strong interest and participation in this sport has resulted in students becoming successful in District Cross Country and beyond.

Each year in Term 1, students have the opportunity to represent their Sport House and compete in a Cross-Country event at Marsden State School. The aim of the event is:

1. To promote running as a fun, healthy exercise in a competitive environment.

2. To contribute to the promotion of adopting long term active healthy lifestyles.

3. To establish our Age Champions each year and Champion Sport House.

4. To select students to represent our school in a District Cross Country event. This event showcases the best young athletes from around our school district. If successful, the students are challenged by Regional Cross Country and a National Cross Country.​

Gala Day Sport

Gala Day Sport is offered to students in year 5 & 6 at Marsden State School. Students are given the opportunity to compete in a variety of sports which are: 

  • Rugby League 
  • Football (Soccer) 
  • Volleyball 
  • Basketball 

The aims of the Gala Day Sport are to expose students to healthy lifestyles by promoting their involvement in sports activities. 

As we expand our opportunities through the school year there are opportunities for other Gala Day Sport events such as:  

  • Netball 
  • Oz Tag 
  • Touch Football 

These sports have been chosen for a number of reasons. Popularity among students, available venues for play and ensuring staff supervision across all sports are the key factors in these choices. Schools across the Logan District are given the opportunity to nominate teams in all sports. 

All students who participate in these sports are required to pay a fee to cover the cost of buses, hire of venues and cost of medallions/ribbons to winning teams. This is approximately $15.00 to $20.00 per student each Gala Day. All students are also given permission notes which parents/guardians must sign to enable their child to participate in sport. 

Once sport has begun, students travel with staff by bus to a number of different venues on the Gala Day. Students depart school at 8:30am, travel to their venue to play and return to school as close to 2.30pm as possible. Please be aware that your child may return from sport a little after this time due to traffic conditions or departing late from venues. 

Those students who choose to stay at school during the Gala Day Sport are supervised by staff at school. They will participate in active, fun activities on the school grounds. 

Here at Marsden we encourage students to participate in sport as much as possible. Being a member of a team can build confidence, promote teamwork and improve fitness levels. Any questions regarding sport should be directed to the school office. ​

Sporting Enhancement

The Marsden State School Sporting Enhancement Program aims to enhance the sporting ability, social skills, resilience, teamwork and leadership skills of a selected group of students in years 4 to 6. Through a rigorous selection process, students are targeted that have demonstrated the potential to be highly successful athletes across multiple sports and skill areas. Furthermore, it allows the selected students to undertake further training, one afternoon per week, in order to increase the possibility of securing a position in a high school excellence program.

The Marsden State School sporting enhancement program promotes regular physical activity, healthy relationships between students and facilitates improved motor and cognitive skills. Although the physical skill improvement is core priority of the program, the associated personal and social skills developed will be invaluable to the participants as they move into high school and beyond.  

Last reviewed 17 March 2025
Last updated 17 March 2025