Community Use of School:
Principals give consideration to requests to use school facilities made by third parties. The proposed activity is not to interfere with the provision of teaching and learning programs, damage the physical infrastructure of the school or its reputation, or pose an unacceptable level of risk of injury to users of the facilities. Principal should attempt to facilitate agreement regarding use of these community assets to maximise community benefit.
The proposed activity must be consistent with the provision of a safe, secure and supportive learning environment for students and the school community and consideration must always be given to the welfare of staff, students and visitors, protection of property, resources and information when considering a request for use.
Community use of state school facilities is to be formalised through written agreement between the Principal of the school and the user or group (See Form – Agreement to Hire and Fact Sheet – Notes for Completion of Agreement to Hire.)
The Agreement to Hire contains the standard conditions that a user is required to comply with in relation to the use of school facilities. Agreement to these conditions is necessary in order to achieve a balance between the facilitation and promotion of third party use of school facilities, the protection of the user, the school community, school facilities and infrastructure.
Please refer to the following documents before making an application to hire school facilities:
Facts about Hiring School Facilities
Frequently Asked Questions about Hiring School Facilities
Community Use of School Facilities (Procedure) (PDF, 785k)
If you can meet the criteria as listed in the above documents please contact the Business Manager, Kim Lyttle, at the school on and request a Hire Agreement Application Form. Please note that there is a requirement that the hirer has Public Liability Insurance up to $20 million.