Marsden State School is committed to upholding a high standard of communication. Effective communication is an exchange between students, parents, communities and schools that is inclusive and involves information sharing and opportunities to learn from each other.
Effective communication between the parents and school is paramount to our foundation for building success. We actively look for innovative ways to foster this communication as can be seen in our school Parent and Community Engagement Framework, as well as below.
Reporting to Parents
Three-Way Conferences- Terms 1 and 3
In Terms One and Three, teachers offer parents an opportunity to meet and discuss their child's achievement, effort and behaviour. During these meetings, known as Three Way Conferences, teachers, students and parents are able to reflect on student progress, view and discuss the student's assessment and collaboratively set goals for student learning.
Term One conferences focus on discussing the student's strengths, specific learning needs and collaboratively setting goals for the year. Term Three conferences provide an opportunity to view assessments, discuss the student's progress, set goals for the remainder of the year, as well as reflect on the student's report results. Students are always encouraged to take an active role in these meetings. With personal involvement, students become more informed and more capable of monitoring their own learning.
Bookings for interviews are made using an online system,, with the added option of staff supporting parents to make these where access to the internet is limited. We will let you know how to access this tool just prior to the reporting session.
Reports- written
Communication between parents and teachers plays an important role in every child's education. As teachers and administrators it is our responsibility to ensure that the outcomes of learning are communicated as explicitly as possible to parents and caregivers.
Twice per year, teachers formally report on student achievement and parents are provided with a student report card. Student report cards are emailed to parents. Please ensure your email details are recorded with the school and kept up to date.
Student report cards contain a level of achievement and effort rating for each of the learning areas the student has been taught and assessed throughout the semester. In addition, reports contain a behaviour rating, behaviour comment and an overall comment.
Classroom communication
Open communication between parents and staff creates positive relationships based on trust and shared responsibility for your child's learning. Two-way communication is an important aspect of our school's interaction with the community.
The school needs to inform parents about school events and about the progress of your child. Knowing what goes on in your child's school and figuring out the best way to communicate with the school staff can assist you to be effective in supporting your child.
Seesaw and Class Dojo
All classes at Marsden State School, use one of two platforms, SeeSaw or Class Dojo, for students to upload work and to send announcements to students and families. At the start of every year, teachers will send out an invitation for you to join one of these networks to view your child/ren's work. Families are encouraged to engage by:
- liking / commenting on your child/ren's work
- talking with your child/ren about the work that they uploaded
- extending their learning at home from what they uploaded
Classroom notes
Class and information notes are written on specific topics and will go home at different times through the year. Please ensure your child understands the importance of passing these notes to you.
Sharing information
Events in family life such as a major illness, visits of significant relatives, accidents, and the death of close relatives, friends or pets can cause major concern or change in the behaviour of your child. Please share this information with your child's teacher so that they may best support your child if needed.
Most teachers provide parents with their school email address at the beginning of the year. The policy for use of email is that teachers will respond to the email within two working days. Any urgent communication should be forwarded through the school office. Any email enquiries can be directed to:
General school communication
The school facebook page is managed by our school administration and community liaison officer. Our school facebook page provides opportunities for real time dissemination of information to our parents and caregivers. Posts include, but are not limited to, local media stories, operational information, celebratory stories and work displays.
Calendar Dates for school events
Key dates in the school year for excursions, incursions, P&C meetings, assemblies, and formal/social events where engagement of parents and the community is vital, are outlined on a hard copy school calendar sent home each term with all students.
School Procedures and Information
Link to the School Parent Handbook with information on the school policies and procedures.
Parade days
All parents are invited to join us for school assemblies. These are advertised on the school calendar sent home each term. In the event of formal events/ceremonies, individual invitations are sent home to all families involved.