We all deserve respectful, safe and non-violent environments, so aggression and harassment of any kind—physical, verbal or otherwise—isn't acceptable. The Parent and Community Code of Conduct (PDF, 386KB) describes the ways in which parents, carers and visitors should conduct themselves while on Queensland state school grounds, at school activities, and when interacting with others in the school community.
When you interact with school staff, remember we're all on the same team to support your child. We all have your child's best interests at heart, and the best way to achieve a positive learning experience is to work together.
Explore tips on communicating and collaborating with school staff to support your child and build a positive school culture in the resources below:
Let's Communicate (PDF, 239 kb)
Let's Collaborate (PDF, 196 kb)
Let's Model Positive Behaviour (PDF, 216 kb)