The Cultural Hub, named Jimbelungare Ngumbin, allows
our school to celebrate our culturally diverse population. Named by Aunty Robyn
Williams, Jimbelungare Ngumbin means ‘Friendship House’.
The Cultural Hub serves as an interactive learning environment to commemorate and pay respect to many significant cultural events and dates within our school community, represented across a calendar year. The Cultural Hub is accessible for teachers to conduct mini lessons around the themed displays, and for parents to walk through as a viewing and learning platform each afternoon from 2:00pm to 2:30pm.

Leading to the entrance of Jimbelungare Ngumbin, are our Diversity Pillars. Each pillar has been specifically designed by a member of our school community and represents the most prominent cultures that make up our school. The word 'welcome' is embellished on each pillar in the many different languages spoken by our families.
The overarching message for our Cultural Hub is:
'We are one, but we are many. And from all the lands on earth we come!'
You can find the Cultural Hub situated near the main entrance to the school off Dean Street.
Some of the many displays in Jimbelungare Ngumbin include:
Remembrance Day


Waitangi Day


Chinese Moon Festival


International Mother Language Day