You are invited to join the Marsden State School Student Resource Scheme (SRS) for 2025. The scheme is supported annually by the school's P&C, is managed by the school and operates in accordance with Section 51 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
The scheme is voluntary, and you are under no obligation to join. However, please be aware if you do not wish to participate you will be expected to purchase all necessary resources indicated on the year level booklist, other materials requested by teachers, as well as an additional fee for student access to educational subscriptions.
The advantages of the School Resource Scheme (SRS) include:
substantial savings through bulk purchasing;
convenience of having all the materials needed for classroom activities without the bother of last minute requests made at home for incidental items; and
the teachers will be able to choose good quality items, eg scissors that cut, uniform materials eg same size scrapbooks, etc.
Only those students who have paid the SRS will receive the classroom materials purchased with the SRS money so that the system remains fair to everyone.
Once you have signed to participate in the SRS you are obligated to pay any fees owing and will continue to participate until you choose to be removed from the scheme by contacting the office in writing or in person.
All parents and teachers are sensitive to particular economic circumstances that affect everyone from time to time. To assist families, this school is willing to arrange alternative methods of payment (e.g. pay one third (1/3) for each term at the commencement of Term 1, 2 and 3). If any parent has difficulty paying as above you are invited to discuss payment with the Business Manager or one of the Deputy Principals or Principal.
For those parents who choose not to participate in the SRS, a list of requirements is available from the school office. Parents not participating in the scheme will also be requested to assist with the purchase of a school hat, art supplies, printing costs, ICT support and the purchase of online subscriptions at a cost of $77 per year as well as the cost of a session in the Life Education Van at $8.00. This is a total of $85.00 per child/per year.
The cost to join the Scheme for 2025 for each student is $130.
To participate the SRS, please complete the SRS Agreement Form and hand into the office.